
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Blini in Helsinki ^^

  Ну наконец-то! Наконец-то нашёлся русский ресторан, в котором есть не только мясо и рыба, да и цены нормальные, а не 20-100 евро за блюдо. Местечко это называется незамысловато — Blini — и находится в Хельсинки, на Sturenkatu, недалеко от Линнанмяки.
  Finally! Finally I found a Russian restaurant that offers not only meat and fish and where a single meal won't cost you 20-100 euros. The place is called Blini, it's in Helsinki on Sturenkatu, near Linnanmäki.


  Ресторанчик простой и недорогой. Самовары и хохломские узоры, а также русский дух присутствуют :). Я отведала драников со сметаной и маринованным огурцом. Муж заказал блин с творогом и сметаной. Всё было очень вкусно :). Я вообще там сидела с лицом аля «кот, наевшийся сметаны», разве что не мурлыкала :).
  This restaurant is simple and cheap. Samovars, khokhloma patterns and Russian spirit are included :). I ate draniki (potato flapjacks) with sour cream and pickled cucumber. My husband had a pancake with curd and sour cream. Everything was very yummy :). I actually looked like a happy cat who ate a lot of sour cream, alas not purring :).


  В отличие от конкурентов в этом русском ресторане блины недорогие и не только с икрой :). Например, с бананом, с мороженым, с картошкой и грибами (1,60€ - 5,90€ за блин). Также в меню борщ, кабачковые оладьи, квас и многое другое. Обязательно вернусь за пирожками с капустой! Приятный бонус: в ресторане используют ингредиенты без химии и консервантов.
  Unlike some other Russian restaurants, in Blini there are pancakes not only with caviar :). For example, with banana or ice cream or potatoes with mushrooms (prices for pancakes range from 1,60€ to 5,90€). There are also borsch soup, squash patties, kvass and other things in the menu. I'm definitely coming back to eat some cabbage pies (pirozhki). As a nice bonus, in Blini they don't use E-stuff and preservatives.

По пути в Blini наткнулись на Porvoonkatu (улица Порвоо). И правда, напоминает Порвоо малёк :).
On the way to Blini we came across Porvoonkatu (Porvoo's street). It does look like Porvoo a bit :).


  1. Again a nice restaurant on your blog! :) Looks delicious. And the prices mean this restaurant could be visited more often! Thank you for the tip!

    1. You're welcome! I hope one day Russian pancakes will be as common in Finnish restaurants as tofu and curry are :)

  2. Сразу захотелось чего-нибудь эдакого со сметанкой)

    1. Драники из свежей картошки, ммм :)))

  3. The shop sounds very good.I'll try to visit there.
    By the way I noticed that some people said that Porvoo was a nice place for toursits. There are beautiful cityscape and good old buildings. Is it right?

    1. Yes, Porvoo is a very old town with many beautiful buildings preserved. I spent two days there last summer and fell in love with Porvoo and its pebbled streets. The church is especially nice. And there is a chocolate factory there :)

  4. Remember you asked me what I want to eat when I come to Finland? Well ... THIS! Please? :)

    1. Sure ^^ Remember the trees I greeted? They live near Blini :)


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