
Sunday, February 17, 2013


  Spring is already in the air, but it's still white and cold here. Beautiful :)
  В воздухе запахло весной, но у нас по-прежнему всё белое и холодное. Лепота :)

A bit of forest in the city.
Кусочек леса посреди города.

There were many tracks, mostly hare tracks in the forest.
Видела много следов, в основном заячьих.

Hare tracks.
Следы зайца.

Such an evil smile :D
Такая злобная улыбочка :D

I think a squirrel was here.
Кажется, здесь была белка.

Every forest is full of wonders...
Каждый лес полон чудес...


  1. Hello I am so excited to have found your blog as I too love Finland and have friends there. I like your photo for today, very creative and imaginative. The 'snow in the city' photos remind me of many places.


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