
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Träskända park, Espoo

A few photos from a beautiful park.
Несколько фотографий из красивого парка.

Träskända manor.
Усадьба Трескенда.

A bookworm picnic.
Пикник книголюба.

There are many old oaks there.
В парке много вековых дубов.

That's so weird!
Странно-то как!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ekaterina,
    I don't know if you speak Finnish and unfortunately I don't speak Russian, so I write in English.
    I found your wonderful blog about Finland and the this post about Träskända- one of my favorite places in Espoo - my home town. I have started my own blog about Espoo. I'm a historian who has worked as a tour guide and lecturer specializing in the history and sights for the past 15 years. My clients have kept asking me to publish my stories about the places and the inhabitants of the past. Recently I decided to share my stories in a blog - free of charge and open to everybody. My blog has immediately become popular and it has received positive response from the officials of the city of Espoo as well.
    I also want to publish photos to show the places that I'm writing about. As I was browsing the internet I came across your blog and beautiful photos of Träskända. I would love to publish them in my blog too - so that you are acknowledged as the photographer and there's a link to your blog. Below is a link to my blog, please let me know what you think. If this is not ok with you I will of course immediately remove the photos. I just think they are beautiful and worth seeing by as many people as possible - so that you get credit for your great work.
    Good luck with your blog, I love it! Keep up the good work!
    Mari Nevalainen
    Manoris Oy
    Hakamäentie 5 B
    FIN-02120 Espoo
    +358 405390656


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