
Friday, February 07, 2014


Verkkokauppa Jätkäsaari is Europe's largest electronics store, but it has more to offer than just plain computers and coffee machines.

Verkkokauppa Jätkäsaari — крупнейший в Европе магазин электроники, но там можно найти не только компьютеры и кофеварки.

For example, they sell nerdy toys. :)
Например, они продают такие игрушки. :)

We adopted one of the Companion Cubes.
Мы приняли в семью один из Кубов-компаньонов.

They also have a roaring dinosaur! But you barely can hear it in this video.
Ещё у них рычит динозавр! Правда, на видео его особо и не слышно.

There is even Helsinki Computer & Game Console Museum.
Есть даже Хельсинкский музей компьютеров и игровых приставок.

Most of it didn't look familiar to me. :) I got my first PC in 2004.
Большинство экспонатов мне незнакомы. :) Первый ПК я получила в 2004.

I didn't know there were tape computers.
Не знала, что есть и кассетные компьютеры.

And they have a supersonic jet fighter MiG-21BIS on their roof. No big deal.
А ещё у них на крыше стоит истребитель МиГ-21бис. Почему бы и нет.

A ferry to Tallinn.
Паром в Таллинн.

Tyynenmerenkatu 11


  1. "I didn't know there were tape computers.
    I did not know what to eat and cluster computers.


    1. :DDDDDD

      Ah, I see what happened. Russian есть means both 'to eat' and 'exists' :) Poor translator.

  2. And, yes, the consumer stuff used C cassettes before floppies. (The drives were expensive.)
    Commodore 64 was usually packaged with a cassette recorder, but I think you could have used a normal C cassette players too. (I think you had to buy one separately for ZX Spectrum for example.)

    See that Tac-2 joystick? Those were *durable*. It's basically a hard plastic shell with a metal rod that only moves a couple of millimeters. It didn't have any actual microswitches: There simply were metal plates on the bottom of a spring-propped plastic buttons pushed against contacts. Similarly the bottom end of the metal rod simply touched a set of contacts to report the stick position. The only problems they ever really had were some oxydation on the contacts and the non-slip foam "feet" crumbling off.

    1. The things I don't know about computers :) Thanks for the info!


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